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PETROLEUM Petroleum  is a naturally occurring liquid found beneath the Earth's surface that can be refined into fuel.  Petroleum  is a fossil fuel, meaning that it has been created by the decomposition of organic matter over millions of years. It is formed in sedimentary rock under intense heat and pressure. How is Petroleum Formed ? Oil and natural gas were  formed  from the remains of prehistoric plants and animals—that's why they're called fossil fuels. ... Over time, increasing pressure and temperature changed the mud, sand and silt into rock (known as source rock) and slowly “cooked” the organic matter into  petroleum A  Petroleum is made of  fossil fuel,  petroleum  is formed when large quantities of dead organisms, mostly zooplankton and algae, are buried underneath sedimentary rock and subjected to both intense heat and pressure.  Petroleum  has mostly been recovered by oil drilling (natural  petroleum  springs are rare). MORE BLOGS AT:-  https://dar