Satellite Communication

                                       Satellite Microwave Communication

  • A satellite is a physical object that revolves around the earth at a known height.
  • Satellite communication is more reliable nowadays as it offers more flexibility than cable and fibre optic systems.
  • We can communicate with any point on the globe by using satellite communication.


How Does Satellite work?
The satellite accepts the signal that is transmitted from the earth station, and it amplifies the signal. The amplified signal is retransmitted to another earth station.

Advantages Of Satellite Microwave Communication:
  • The coverage area of a satellite microwave is more than the terrestrial microwave.
  • The transmission cost of the satellite is independent of the distance from the centre of the coverage area.
  • Satellite communication is used in mobile and wireless communication applications.
  • It is easy to install.
  • It is used in a wide variety of applications such as weather forecasting, radio/TV signal broadcasting, mobile communication, etc.
Disadvantages Of Satellite Microwave Communication:
  • Satellite designing and development requires more time and higher cost.
  • The Satellite needs to be monitored and controlled on regular periods so that it remains in orbit.
  • The life of the satellite is about 12-15 years. Due to this reason, another launch of the satellite has to be planned before it becomes non-functional.
  • An infrared transmission is a wireless technology used for communication over short ranges.
  • The frequency of the infrared in the range from 300 GHz to 400 THz.
  • It is used for short-range communication such as data transfer between two cell phones, TV remote operation, data transfer between a computer and cell phone resides in the same closed area.

Characteristics Of Infrared:
  • It supports high bandwidth, and hence the data rate will be very high.
  • Infrared waves cannot penetrate the walls. Therefore, the infrared communication in one room cannot be interrupted by the nearby rooms.
  • An infrared communication provides better security with minimum interference.
  • Infrared communication is unreliable outside the building because the sun rays will interfere with the infrared waves



In simplex transmission mode, the communication between sender and receiver occurs in only one direction.  The sender can only send the data, and the receiver can only receive the data.  The receiver cannot reply to the sender.
Simplex transmission can be thought of as a one-way road in which the traffic travels only in one direction—no vehicle coming from the opposite direction is allowed to drive through.

To take a keyboard / monitor relationship as an example, the keyboard can only send the input to the monitor, and the monitor can only receive the input and display it on the screen.  The monitor cannot reply, or send any feedback, to the keyboard.

                                                                        Half Duplex

The communication between sender and receiver occurs in both directions in half duplex transmission, but only one at a time.  The sender and receiver can both send and receive the information, but only one is allowed to send at any given time.  Half duplex is still considered a one-way road, in which a vehicle traveling in the opposite direction of the traffic has to wait till the road is empty before it can pass through.

For example, in walkie-talkies, the speakers at both ends can speak, but they have to speak one by one.  They cannot speak simultaneously.

Full Duplex

In full duplex transmission mode, the communication between sender and receiver can occur simultaneously.  The sender and receiver can both transmit and receive at the same time. Full duplex transmission mode is like a two-way road, in which traffic can flow in both directions at the same time.

For example, in a telephone conversation, two people communicate, and both are free to speak and listen at the same time.

    Differences of the Three Transmission Modes

  • In simplex mode, the signal is sent in one direction. In half duplex mode, the signal is sent in both directions, but one at a time.  In full duplex mode, the signal is sent in both directions at the same time.
  • In simplex mode, only one device can transmit the signal. In half duplex mode, both devices can transmit the signal, but one at a time.  In full duplex mode, both devices can transmit the signal at the same time.

  • Full duplex performs better than half duplex, and half duplex in turn performs better than simplex.
  • Simplex: The keyboard sends the command to the monitor. The monitor cannot reply to the keyboard.
  • Half duplex: Using a walkie-talkie, both speakers can communicate, but they have to take turns.
  • Full duplex: Using a telephone, both speakers can communicate at the same time.
·                  The full duplex transmission mode offers the best performance among the three, on account of the fact that it maximises the amount of bandwidth available.



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