
Short Note On Database, Stack And Queues, Linked List, Trees, Searching And Sorting, Tables And Graphs And Introduction About CAD

DATABASE In  computer science , a  data structure  is the organization and implementation of values and  information . In simple words data structure is the way of organizing data in efficient manner. Data structures are different from abstract data types in the way they are used. Data structures are the implementations of abstract data types in a concrete and physical setting.  They do this by using  algorithms . This can be seen in the relationship between the list (abstract data type) and the linked list (data structure). A  list  contains a sequence of values or bits of information. A linked list also has a “pointer” or “reference” between each node of information that points to the next item and the previous one. This allows one to go forwards or backwards in the list. Furthermore, data structures are often optimized for certain operations. Finding the best data structure when solving a problem is an important part of  programming . Data structure is a systema